Schedule Your Next Appointment with Us

The OTC Dental Hygiene Clinic is an affordable way to take care of your oral health. You’ll also benefit our students by providing them with a valuable, hands-on learning experience closely monitored by a health care professional. For more information about scheduling your appointment, consult the drop-down menu below.

Treatment in the clinic proceeds at a slower pace than a dental office since the services are performed by the students and carefully evaluated by the instructors. It can take multiple appointments to complete your treatment, and each appointment can take up to three hours. We want to provide you with the best possible care, so please be patient. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. It would be to your benefit to arrive half an hour before your appointment time in order to find a parking spot and to fill out all of the necessary paperwork.

The clinic is open to adults and children in the community. We see patients three years of age or older.

The dental hygiene student has numerous clinical requirements to fulfill. They depend on YOU to help them do this. If for some reason (other than inclement weather) you cannot keep your appointment, please call the clinic 48 hours prior to your appointment to let us know. Please leave a message if necessary as these are checked regularly. This allows the student time to give your appointment to another patient.

Because of our busy schedule and the number of people on our waiting list, if we do not receive a minimum of 48 hour’s notice for a cancelled appointment it will NOT be rescheduled. The student’s learning process and completion of clinic requirements for graduation and board examinations are jeopardized when a patient does not follow through with appointments.