
The Procurement department is responsible for all shipping, receiving, mail and purchasing  for the college. Greater efficiency, both in terms of economy to the college and service to the departments, is achieved through specialization of purchasing. The purpose of our department is to obtain quality supplies and equipment as economically and conveniently as possible. In the interest of serving the college, its alumni and the community, procurement is guided by three primary objectives when conducting business and discharging its responsibilities:

  1. Purchases are to be made in consideration of the objectives and policies of the college, as well as the particular requirements and objectives of the departments.
  2. Maximum value for each dollar of the expenditure must be obtained.
  3. Qualified, competitive bidders must be given equal consideration and opportunity to bid on the college’s requirements.

Vendor Links

Surplus Property Link

Staff Links and Forms

Industry Links

Contact Us

Katie Highfill
College Director of Procurement

Caleb Carter
Purchasing Coordinator

Vernon Bogart
Shipping and Receiving Handler

Teresa Tackett
Shipping and Receiving Administrative Assistant