Students and employees of Ozarks Technical Community College who may become infected with the AIDS virus or other contagious diseases will not be excluded from enrollment or employment, or restricted in their access to college services or facilities. The college complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and makes every effort to ensure that handicapped persons admitted to the college as students or employed by the college are afforded all of the rights and privileges provided to them by this act.
Persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing that they are infected, are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances, and are obligated ethically and legally to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of others.
Persons who know they are infected are urged to share that information with the appropriate administrator. Students should contact the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, in the Information Commons, appropriate student services staff, or the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs in the Information Commons West, so the college can respond appropriately to their needs. Such information will be disclosed to responsible college officials only on a strictly limited need-to-know basis unless the individual consents in writing to other releases of the information. The college is obligated, by law, to disclose to public health officials information about all confirmed cases of active AIDS and certain other contagious diseases, such as hepatitis, rubella, or tuberculosis.