Immediate Action

  1. Notify OTC Safety & Security via campus phone at x6911 or via outside phone or mobile at (417) 447-6911.
  2. Notify OTC Maintenance via campus phone at x4801 or via outside phone or mobile at (417) 447-4801.

Detailed Information

Particular care should be exercised during electrical utility interruptions, as there are several potentially dangerous instances that can occur.

  1. Check for personnel trapped in elevators.  If someone is found trapped inside an elevator, instruct them to use the emergency telephone to call for assistance. If this is unavailable or you are unable to communicate, notify OTC Safety & Security via campus phone at x6911 or via outside phone or mobile at (417) 447-6911.
  2. Ensure that any potentially dangerous electrical devices (i.e. power drills, soldering irons, etc.) are unplugged.
  3. Ensure expensive electronic components (i.e. computers, printers, etc.) are either protected from surge loads or unplugged.