
If you are a student at any campus or center within the OTC college system, you are required to have an OTC SmartCard.

The OTC SmartCard serves two major purposes. First, it serves as your official student ID to be used on campus and will have your student ID number and photo on it. Second, it is one of your options to receive your student account refunds.

Register for the SmartCard at the following locations:

    • OTC Springfield: Information Technology Service Center in the Information Commons Atrium
    • OTC Table Rock: Student Services
    • OTC Richwood Valley: Student Services
    • OTC Lebanon: Main Office
    • OTC Waynesville: Main Office
    • OTC Republic: Main Office

For more information or if you have questions, please contact SmartCard, or call 417-447-4827.

OTC SmartCard Important Links

No-Photo OTC SmartCards

Are you taking all online classes and don’t live near an OTC location? If so, you can request a “no-photo” OTC SmartCard.

No-Photo OTC SmartCards

Employee IDs

Employees may also request an OTC Smartcard to serve as their employee ID.

The OTC Smartcard allows employees to swipe to login to campus copiers and may be accepted by some area businesses that offer educator discounts.

Employees can register for the SmartCard at the following locations:

  • OTC Springfield: Information Technology Service Center in the Information Commons Atrium

For more information on OTC ID photos for SmartCards or Security Badges please contact the Help Desk (helpdesk@otc.edu) or 417-447-7548.

Our school delivers your refund and provides you with your official School ID card with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Click here for more information. To view our contract click here.